Large Capacity Augmentation Well Construction
Notice of Request for Proposal to Drill an Augmentation Well
The Rio Grande Water Conservation District (District) is seeking proposals from qualified well drillers to drill a 20-inch, 220 foot deep confined aquifer well in Saguache County. Contact Chris Ivers at the District office at (719) 589-6301 for a BID packet with full details. Additionally, you can access this information online at In your response, please include your qualifications to drill this type of well, a cost estimate for drilling the well, and your timeline for completing the project. Proposals will be accepted through 1:30 p.m. September 27, 2024 and may be submitted in person or by mail to 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, 81101, or by e-mail to
Subd#5 Large Capacity Aug Well #2 Construction Plans_Final_20240823.pdfSubd#5 Large Capacity Aug Well #2 Contract Documents_Final_R1_20240827.pdfNotice of Request for Proposal to Pipeline and Road Construction
The Rio Grande Water Conservation District is seeking proposals from qualified CONTRACTORS to grade a road, install 2 culverts, install approximately 303 feet of piping from an augmentation well, and construct a riprap ditch. The pipeline has 12 inch and 16-inch diameter sections. Contact the district office at (719) 589-6301 for a BID packet with full details. Additionally, you can access this information online at In your response, please include your relevant qualifications, and your timeline for completing the PROJECT. Proposals will be accepted through 1:30 p.m. September 27, 2024 and may be submitted in person or by mail to 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, 81101, or by e-mail to
Subd#5 Aug Well #2 Pipeline and Road Construction Plans_Final_20240823.pdfSubd#5 Aug Well #2 Pipeline and Road Contract Documents_Final_R1_20240827.pdf