Sub District No. 4 Request for Proposal - Manage Nine Center Pivot Drought Tolerant Fields
Notice of Request for Bids to Manage Nine Center Pivot Irrigated Fields Planted to Drought Tolerant Species
Subdistrict No. 4 of the Rio Grande Water Conservation District is seeking bids to maintain sprinklers, chop/mow weeds, as needed, and manage irrigation to establish a drought tolerant species mix on nine quarters north of Moffat. Additionally, bidders may be asked to harvest oat hay on three quarters. Bidders should itemize bids and should include the costs:
To manage irrigation on all nine fields in consultation with the Subdistrict for the 2025 irrigation season.
To maintain and perform routine repairs on all nine sprinklers.
To chop weeds, if needed, as a cost per quarter.
To cut, bale, and remove oats on three fields planted in 2025, with a minimum stubble height of 4-5 inches, harvest in September. Oats will be planted at 25 lbs/acre through a separate contract, bidders should include in bid if they desire to keep the baled hay or if they will stack it for the Subdistrict.
Bidder will be responsible for irrigation for the entire irrigation season. Irrigation scheduling will be dependent upon direction of the Subdistrict and their consultants. Bids should also include a description of the equipment to be used for mowing/chopping, baling and the bidders experience. The Subdistrict will be responsible for the costs of water, electricity, meters, sprinkler parts and major sprinkler repairs. For further questions and details please contact Chris Ivers at 719-589-6301 or Proposals will be accepted through February 3rd, 2025, and may be submitted in person or by mail to 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, 81101, or by e-mail to